Reducing access to means that can potentially be misused to cause injury or death—such as firearms and substances—is one of the most effective ways to reduce suicide risk across all age groups. Methods to reduce access include safe storage and restriction or removal of these means. Resources beginning with “CT” are specific to Connecticut.
CALM: Counseling Access to Lethal Means Training
Learn how to reduce access to the methods people use to kill themselves. This free, online course covers who needs lethal means counseling and how to work with people at risk for suicide—and their families—to reduce access.
- 11 Commandments of Gun Safety
- AFSP Lethal Means Reduction: Architectural Barriers and Structures
- Architectural barriers Brief
- AFSP Project 2025
- Brochure for Veterans Means Safety Pilot
- Bullet Points Project
- CT – Local Firearm Safety Education
- CT – Free Safety Kits
- Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Brochure CT Judicial Branch
- Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Brochure (General Public, Healthcare Professionals) If you’re interested in distributing ERPO/suicide prevention brochures in your community, click here.
- Firearm Injuries by Intent: A Comparison of Data in the Northeast U.S.
- Firearms Access Transfer – Connecticut State Police PowerPoint
- Firearm Safety Guide for Connecticut Schools
- Firearm Injury Prevention and Patient Safety: Online Course
- Firearm Life Plan
- Parents’ Guide to Understanding Youth Mental Health and Preventing Unauthorized Access to Firearms
- Project Child Safe (Free Safety Kits, including trigger locks)
- Safe Storage
- Suicide Prevention Effects of Extreme Risk Protection Order Laws in Four States
- Suicide Prevention is Everyone’s Business: A Toolkit for Safe Firearm Storage in Your Community
- VA Firearm Suicide Prevention & Lethal Means Safety
- Veterans Crisis Line: Firearm Safety
- Your Guide to Firearms and Permits in Connecticut, including Surrender/Transfer
CTSAB Firearm Safety & Suicide Prevention Materials
- Firearm Safety and Suicide Prevention Brochure
- Firearm Safety and Suicide Prevention Magnet
- Firearm Safety and Suicide Prevention Sticker
- Steps Toward a Safer Home When Someone is in Crisis
- Addressing Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors in Substance Abuse Treatment
- APHA – ACEs, Overdose, and Suicide
- Avoiding Misuse of Prescription Medicines
- Brochure for Veterans Means Safety Pilot
- Connecticut Poison Control Center
- Creating a Shared Approach to Suicide and Overdose Prevention
- CT – Keeping Medications Secure
- CT – Local Drug Collection Boxes
- CT – Safe Storage and Disposal of Prescription Medication
- Drug Free CT
- Intersection of Opioids and Suicide: A Prevention Approach
- Medicine Safety in Your Home
- More Teens Are Attempting Suicide By Poisoning. Here’s What Parents Should Know
- Safe Medicine Disposal
- Safeguarding My Meds
- Steps Toward a Safer Home When Someone is in Crisis
- Tips for Taking Medicine Safely (Adults)
- Tips for Taking Medicine Safely (Kids)
- Your Poison Center
Additional Information
- AFSP Lethal Means Reduction: Architectural Barriers and Structures
- AFSP Lethal Means Reduction: Bridge Barriers
- Bridging You To Safety A First Evaluation of Suicide Prevention Signage on Bridges in CT
- Counseling on Access to Lethal Means
- Means Matter
- New Guide on Lethal Means and Suicide Prevention Released
- Safeguard Your Home: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
- Suicide in Parking Facilities: Prevention, Response, and Recovery
- Suicide Prevention On Bridges: The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Position
Join the Lethal Means Committee
Meetings are held virtually on the 1st Friday, from 9:30 – 11:00 AM (EST), unless otherwise notified. For more information, click here.