In Connecticut
- 2019 Connecticut Veteran Suicide Data Sheet
- 2020 Facts and Figures for Connecticut: Suicide
- 2023 Self-Directed Violence Fact Sheet
- Connecticut Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
- Connecticut Landscape of Violent Deaths 2015 to 2020
- Connecticut Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Suicide Statistics
- Connecticut School Health Survey
- CT Suicide Data Presentation
- Injury Prevention and Control
- Intersection of Opioids and Suicide Webinar
- National Survey on Drug Use and Health
- Suicide Prevention Alert
- Syndromic Surveillance Overview for Comprehensive Suicide Program
- Trends in Hospitalizations for Suicide Attempts among Connecticut Residents
- Trends in Hospitalizations for Suicide Attempts among Connecticut Youth
- Young Adults Statewide Survey Mental Health Brief
- Young Adults Statewide Survey Combined Briefs
Using Hospitalization & Mortality Data to Identify Areas at Risk for Adolescent Suicide
- Color Me Blue: Mapping Teen Suicides to Help Prevent Them
- Using Hospitalization and Mortality Data to Identify Areas at Risk for Adolescent Suicide
In the United States
- 1999–2019 Suicide Mortality in the United States
- 2015-19-MMWR-Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among Adults Aged ≥18 Years — United States
- Firearm Injuries by Intent: A Comparison of Data in the Northeast U.S.
- National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health 2021
- RAND Suicide Prevention Program Evaluation Toolkit
- Rocky Mountain MIRECC for VA Suicide Prevention – Research Core
- Suicide Rising Across the US
- Surveillance for Violent Deaths — National Violent Death Reporting System, 42 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, 2019
- USA Life Expectancy