- AFSP Loss Survivor Resources
- After a School Tragedy…Readiness, Response, Recovery, & Resources
- After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Physician Residency/Fellowship Programs
- After a Suicide, Sibling Survivors Are Often Overlooked
- After an Attempt – Family Guide
- After an Attempt – Medical Providers Guide
- Brian’s Healing Hearts Center for Hope and Healing
- Centerstone Postvention Guidelines Response After A Completed Suicide of a Client
- Children, Teens and Suicide Loss
- Children’s Understanding of Death: Developmental Guidelines
- Coping with Suicide Loss & Support Groups in CT
- Cove Center for Grieving Children
- CT AFSP Survivor Outreach Program: Healing Conversations
- Grief Support Resources Brochure
- Grief Support Resources for Survivors of Suicide Loss
- Healing Hearts Center for Grieving Children & Families
- Help for Children, Youth, Parents, and Providers’ Reactions to Traumatic Events
- Helping a Loved One with Grief and Loss
- How to Talk to a Child about a Suicide Attempt in Your Family
- Lived Experience Academy
- Managing Grief During a Pandemic:
- Mary’s Place: A Center for Grieving Children and Families
- Screening Tool & Protocol- Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS)
- Speaking of Suicide
- Storytelling for Suicide Prevention Checklist
- Suicide Prevention and Post-Suicide Coping Resources
- Suicide Prevention Competencies for Faith Leaders
- Suicide Prevention Resource Center
- Suicide Bereavement Trained Clinicians in Connecticut
- Survivors of Suicide
- TAPS Suicide Loss Survivor Assistance (Military/Veteran)
- Trauma Cleaners List of Resources
- United Suicide Survivors International
- Uniting for Suicide Prevention Community (Military/Veteran)
- Zero Suicide Webinar: After a Suicide: Postvention in Health and Behavioral Healthcare Settings